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Far Cry 6 is an action-adventure first-person shooter game set in an open world environment which the player can navigate on foot or via using various land vehicles, combat vehicles, watercrafts, or aircrafts. The gameplay mainly focuses on armed and close-quarters combat, which is divided into seven main regions with a vast array of terrain ranging from urban areas and dense jungles to mountain ranges and open oceans.
The game incorporates many elements found in role-playing games, including upgradeable guerilla camps and gear customisation mechanics in order to uniquely tailor the gameplay experience, while also introducing a "Rank Level" system which indicates the rank of the player and highlights the level of a specific region similar to recent Assassin's Creed titles. As the game progresses and the player explores more regions of Yara, enemy forces will be equipped with more powerful, higher level gear and the surrounding military target locations become heavily fortified.
Players are able to use a wide array of conventional weapons (such as sidearms, assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, light-machine guns, sniper rifles and grenade launchers). In possession of appropriate resource materials the player is able to scavenge via exploring the environment, each firearm can be customized at workbenches scattered throughout the map.
As a new iteration of gear customisation, Far Cry 6 also features a few prototypes of unconventional special weaponry, called "Resolver weapons", with each one offering a certain perk to the player's loadout, for example a silent close-range nailgun or a sling-shot projectile weapon which fires CDs while playing the song "Macarena".
Besides upgrading the in-game arsenal, Far Cry 6 introduces another new gameplay mechanic, the "Supremo" backpack device with ultimate weapon ability which allows to augment the playstyle by assigning more perks to the player's loadout in order to dominate in combat such as firing homing missiles or seeing through enemies through solid objects.
Unlike the previous titles in the series, Far Cry 6 lets the player holster their weapon and blend in while exploring the environment. As long as the player doesn't cause trouble or wander through restricted military areas, enemy NPCs won't engage in combat.
As only traditional stealth mechanics and detection systems were present in the previous games in the series, in addition Far Cry 6 implements notoriety and reputation-style gameplay mechanics similar to the early titles of Assassin's Creed franchise. If a high notoriety level is earned, because of the volume of actions taken against enemy NPCs, the player will be hunted by special forces. In order to reduce notoriety meter, the player have to flee the combat area and stay hidden for a specific period of time.
The "Outposts" system in the game had also been reutilized as because Yara's infrastructure is under a militaristic regime, soldiers patrol the streets, the roads, the waterscapes and operate restricted airspace zones. Therefore the player will encounter various military target locations throughout the world (such as military bases, anti-aircraft sites, or checkpoints) which will need to be toppled to reduce the dominance of enemy forces in a particular area.
As an RPG gameplay mechanic, the player has the ability to construct and upgrade guerilla base sites called "Camp Facilities" which provide more useful resources and in-game bonuses to generally increase the skillset of the character, specialize perks in hunting animals, unlock fast travel locations throughout Yara, enlist new recruits and manage their equipment or launch friendly NPC operations for instance. When the player enters one of these camps, the perspective changes to third-person view.
The game brings back a fine-tuned version of Far Cry 5's "Fangs for Hire" companion system, now called "Amigos" featuring only recruitable animals with a wide variety of abilities and perks tasked to assist the player in combat and also in exploration.
The fishing mechanic previously introduced in Far Cry 5, is also present in the game with a renewed emphasis on modification, as the player can customize the fishing rod and its elements (like bait and fishline) at each fishing spot location throughout the map in order to accommodate reeling in capabilities for catching different fish species.